Edge Conference


  • Registration and breakfast

    Doors open to all participants at 9am. Arrive early to snaffle some breakfast and grab a great seat.

  • Welcome

    An introduction to the unique format of Edge, and how you can participate throughout the day.

  • Installable apps and permissions

    Shape logo "Installable" web apps are a mess. Better access to native APIs like geofencing, offline, push notifications and alerts requires new APIs and a way of managing user consent. What should 'installing' a web app actually mean? With the manifest specification being implemented by Chrome and Firefox right now, how far do this and other new standards like ServiceWorker go towards solving the problem? How granular should user consent be and at what point should it be obtained?

    • Jake Archibald Jake Archibald Google Mod
      Works with the Chrome team on dev tools, standards and recently requestAutoComplete and ServiceWorker.

    • Marcos Caceres Marcos Caceres Mozilla Speaker
      Edits the W3C's Manifest spec, which aims to enable installable apps on the platform. Hacks on Gecko for Mozilla.

    • Eli Fidler Eli Fidler BlackBerry
      Does Web technology at BlackBerry, working on the BlackBerry Browser, WebWorks, and cross-platform mobile Web apps

    • Matt Andrews Matt Andrews Financial Times
      Developer on the FT and Economist web apps that support seven different installation mechanisms, recently preparing them for ServiceWorker.

    • Chris Wilson Chris Wilson Google
      Worked on web browsers for two decades. Developer Advocate on Chrome, working on making the web a real app platform.

    • Brian LeRoux Brian LeRoux Adobe
      Free/open source software developer working on Cordova, PhoneGap, and Topcoat. Loves JS. Mostly mobile. All web

  • Layout performance

    Pages are getting bigger, and browsers need help to figure out how to render content faster. Hints like the recently implemented will-change are a step in this direction. Lazy block layout might help too, but where is the balance between developer-centric and browser-centric solutions for speeding up web page rendering?

    • Mike Shaver Mike Shaver Facebook Mod
      Has so far spent almost 2 decades at Netscape, Mozilla, Facebook, and elsewhere worrying about how to make the web faster.

    • Paul Lewis Paul Lewis Google Speaker
      Developer Advocate at Google focussed on performance, UX and design. Wrote the Runtime Perf Checklist and High Performance Animations.

    • Wilson Page Wilson Page Mozilla
      Developer on FirefoxOS. Invented FastDOM to help avoid layout thrashing

    • Christopher Chedeau Christopher Chedeau Facebook
      On the React Core Team and fascinated by layout algorithms especially image related ones

    • David Baron David Baron Mozilla
      Engineer at Mozilla who works on implementation of CSS and layout in Gecko

    • Charles Ying Charles Ying Flipboard
      Developer working on layout engines and exploiting browsers at Flipboard

  • Morning break

    Grab a coffee and recharge for the next session.

  • Security and Identity

    Passwordless login, social sign in, BrowserID identity systems like Mozilla Persona, two-factor authentication, TLS and SNI, Explictly authenticated proxy proposal. What's the best practice balance between user experience and security?

    • Michael Coates Michael Coates Shape Security Mod
      Chair of the OWASP board, creator of AppSensor and director at Shape Security. Previously director of Security Assurance at Mozilla

    • Yan Zhu Yan Zhu Yahoo! Speaker
      Working on end-to-end encryption for email, former staff technologist at Electronic Frontier Foundation

    • Natasha Rooney Natasha Rooney GSMA
      Co-Chair of the Web and Mobile Interest Group at W3C and Web Technologist at the global telecoms association, the GSMA.

    • Mark Nottingham Mark Nottingham Akamai
      WG chair for HTTP/2, which has become a favourite vehicle of some for improving security on the Web platform.

    • Chris Messina Chris Messina Agent of free will
      Former board member of the OpenID Foundation, and designed identity in the browser UX for Mozilla. Former designer and developer advocate, Google+.

    • Mike West Mike West Google
      Endures C++ for Chrome privacy, edits and implements security-focused specifications (Content Security Policy, Mixed Content, etc).

  • Lunch

  • Package management

    The web lives and breathes code sharing and reuse, and web components take us increasingly into the territory of abstracted reusable code. We need a package manager for the web. Is bower gradually becoming the 'official' solution for this, and is anyone fed up with putting seven different package manager configs in their open source repos yet?

    • Kyle Simpson Kyle Simpson Getify Solutions Mod
      Prolific OSS dev who loves making JS packages but wants just one package manager to rule them all

    • Domenic Denicola Domenic Denicola Google Speaker
      Working for the open web on the Chrome team. Part of the npm core team, and believes that npm stands for JavaScript package manager.

    • Joshua Peek Joshua Peek GitHub
      Front-end developer at GitHub. Contributor to Bower, and maintainer of Sprockets, the Ruby on Rails Asset pipeline tool.

    • Laurie Voss Laurie Voss NPM, Inc
      CTO of npm, Inc., passionate about making web development accessible to everybody.

    • David Beck David Beck Rotunda Software
      Dividing the front end into encapsulated, reusable packages, via development of tools such as cartero, backbone.subviews, and backbone.courier.

    • Matthew Mueller Matthew Mueller Lapwing Labs
      Co-founder of Lapwing Laps. Creator of Cheerio and Duo. Open source enthusiast. Light packer.

  • Image formats

    Instart logic logoA new format war risks erupting in the image world. On the one side webP enjoying a lot of promotion from Google along with support in Chrome, Android and Opera. But IE instead supports JPEG XR, and Apple prefers JPEG 2000. Firefox supports none of the above. With images occupying up to 63% of page total transfer size (HTTPArchive), we should all care more about this.

  • Afternoon break

  • Breakout

    Take an hour to break into small groups and have follow-up discussions from the sessions you've participated in earlier in the day.

  • Standards and the extensible web manifesto

    The extensible web manifesto promises to change the way the web community approaches standardisation to make it more inclusive and iterative. Do you feel empowered and included? Considering recent notable failures of the standards process, has this now been fixed? What more change needs to happen, and what realistic change can be made?

    • Lyza Danger Gardner Lyza Danger Gardner Cloud Four Mod
      Has hacked, built and broken things on the pan-device Web for nearly 20 years. Co-founder of Cloud Four.

    • Brian Kardell Brian Kardell Apollo Group Speaker
      Front-end engineer, co-founder/ chair W3C Extensible Web CG, co-author Extensible Web Manifesto, HitchJS & a member of the W3C CSS WG (jQuery).

    • Alex Russell Alex Russell Google
      Works on Chrome, Installable Web Apps, Service Workers, Web Components, JavaScript. Member of W3C TAG and ECMA TC39. Feels your pain.

    • Divya Manian Divya Manian Adobe
      Contributor to many projects such as HTML5 Please, HTML5 Boilerplate and Move the Web forward. Likes writing DMs on Twitter in all caps.

    • Adrian Bateman Adrian Bateman Microsoft
      Program manager for the Internet Explorer engineering team. Represented Microsoft in the web standards community for several years.

    • Kenneth Christiansen Kenneth Christiansen Intel
      Works on both Crosswalk and Chrome, attempting to bring native capabilities to the web. Member of WebApps, SysApps and more.

  • Closing remarks and thanks

    Susan Mernit, co-founder of Hack the Hood, explains what Hack the Hood is doing and how your money is being put to good use.

  • After-party

    Akamai logo Wind down and discuss the day's events with your fellow delegates. Edge is committed to providing a relaxing, friendly social event where we can continue those useful conversations that we started during the day. Enjoy great food and drinks catering to a variety of diets. We'll announce more details soon.